Institutional transformation, corporate governance and development

Corporate transformation and governance services

In Inspir , we keen to provide a variety of packages for the establishment and operation of companies in various sectors by providing various human resources services that contribute to the establishment and development of companies , which helps them reduce operational costs, contributes to their sustainability and achieves high levels of productivity, including:

Building the organizational structure

The process of organizing and distributing authority, responsibilities, duties and powers within the company and coordinating among its members to achieve the company's objectives in an optimal manner.

Service advantages

Building the salary scale and job grades

Preparing the salary scale to manage employee salaries fairly and providing specific directions for appropriate salary levels for each job based on modern standards and accurate market data to meet the organization's needs and achieve its goals.

Service advantages

Preparing job evaluation

Evaluating, classifying, and describing the various jobs in the organization, determining the relative value of each job within the organization, and determining the level of responsibilities and requirements associated with it.

Service advantages

Job analysis and job description preparation

Taking appropriate decisions regarding staff management, recruitment, defining and developing performance standards and training needs.

Service advantages

Building performance indicators, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs)

Through performance indicators, efficiency is achieved in business performance, strategic decision-making, performance improvement, and innovation in the facility.

Service advantages

Preparing succession plans.

Through succession policies, opportunities for internal promotion are enhanced, and employees are motivated to develop their skills and contribute to achieving the organization's goals.

Service advantages

Human resource planning.

Analyzing and forecasting the functional needs of the facility and developing human resource strategies.

Service advantages

Preparing policies and procedures.

Provide a clear and structured framework that defines the responsibilities and procedures that must be followed in all aspects of the facility.

Service advantages

Preparing and implementing corporate governance and compliance policies

Ensure that the facility operates in accordance with legal and ethical standards and professional norms. We work by preparing governance policies to enhance integrity, transparency and responsibility in corporate management, and to protect the rights of shareholders, employees, customers and other concerned parties.

Service advantages

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